Star is a very fast tar(1) like tape archiver with improved functionality. Debian official repo did not include this package, thus need some trick to convert it from Redhat RPM.
Star 號稱是比正常的 Linux tar 還要快、支援格式更多、功能更強的打包軟體。碰到需要在 Debian 環境安裝這個東西,筆記如下:
1. apt-get install alien
2.find and down star RPM from
3. convert alien RPM package into DEB world
alien star-1.5.2-11.fc21.x86_64.rpm
3. install converted deb
dpkg -i star_1.5.2-12_amd64.deb
安裝完後指令用法參考mam 或底下網頁
star(1) - Linux man page