2012年9月26日 星期三




Souvenir de Paganini





The year 1826 brought Variations in D major on the theme of an Irish song by Moore, convergent with the melody to the Neapolitan song "La Ricciolella". This striking work was preserved incomplete, and was reconstructed by Jan Ekier (pub. 1965). We also know that at a similar time (1827) Chopin wrote another composition for four hands: Variations in F major, dedicated to his friend Tytus Woyciechowski (lost; only the incipit has survived).
An untitled work, usually referred to as Souvenir de Paganini, consists of variations in the key of A major (Variants, composed 1829), again to the theme of "La Ricciolella". This time, however, it is a compositional echo of the performances in Warsaw, in 1829, of the famous Paganini, applauded by the then nineteen-year-old Chopin. The concept of this work is unusual: four ornamental variations are accompanied by a relentlessly invariant and extremely simple left-hand part. Chopin would return to this idea, here set out so modestly, years later, creating that brilliant example of variations the Berceuse, Op. 57. Also dating from the Warsaw period are Variations in E major on a theme from Rossini's La Cenerentola for flute and piano, attributed to Chopin (although this is not documented).

從上面這段資料,我才發現原來帕格里尼也是「借用」了義大利拿波里民謠(那不勒斯)歌曲  "La Ricciolella" 的旋律,來加以變奏、遊戲、炫技,譜寫出天才神人強者我朋友形式的天籟。


