LINUX SMSTOOLS configure/use experience
LINUX SMSTOOLS configure/use experience
- can't send short code via GSM MODEM ?
- Write the phone number in international format without the leading +. When you like to send a message to a short number (for example to order a ringtone), then preceed it with an "s".
- config SMSC number in smsd.conf modem section
- can't auto startup after reboot
- modify /etc/default/smstools
- change user and group to root
- run dpkg-statoverride --remove /var/run/smstools.
- modify /etc/init.d/smstools
- find this line dpkg-statoverride --update --add smsd smsd 2755 $rundir
- change it in to dpkg-statoverride --update --add $USER $GROUP 2755 $rundir